How to check SHA1 hash on Linux, FreeBSD and Unix

You can check the SHA1 hash of a file on Linux, FreeBSD, and Unix by using the sha1sum command. The sha1sum command calculates and verifies SHA1 message digests.

Here are some examples of how to use the sha1sum command:

  1. To check the SHA1 hash of a file, use the following command and replace file.txt with the path to the file you want to check:
sha1sum file.txt
  1. To check the SHA1 hash of multiple files at once, you can list the files after the sha1sum command:
sha1sum file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt
  1. To check the SHA1 hash of a file and compare it to a known hash value, you can use the following command and replace file.txt with the path to the file you want to check, and known_hash with the known hash value:
echo known_hash file.txt | sha1sum -c

Please note that the above commands are for the sha1sum, which is a standard command on most Linux, FreeBSD, and Unix systems. Alternative command is openssl sha1 and shasum -a 1

It’s always a good idea to check the file’s integrity before running the command, to ensure that the file wasn’t tampered with before you run the command.


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