How to check running process in Ubuntu using command line

You can check running processes on Ubuntu using the command-line tool ps. The basic syntax for the ps command is:

ps [options]

Here are some common options for ps:

  • -A or -e : shows all processes running on the system
  • -aux : shows all processes running on the system with detailed information (user, pid, %cpu, %mem, etc)
  • -C process_name : shows all processes with a specific name
  • -p pid : shows information about a specific process ID
  • -f : shows the full format (including the command line used to start the process)

Here are some examples of using ps command:

  • To see all processes running on the system:
ps -A
  • To see all processes running on the system with detailed information:
ps aux
  • To see all processes with the name “firefox”
ps -C firefox
  • To see information about a specific process ID (123)
ps -p 123
  • To see the full format of all running processes
ps -ef

You can also use top command to show the running process and their resource usage in real-time by running


It’s important to note that the above steps are just a general guide and you may need to adjust them to suit your specific requirements.

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