How to check running process in Linux using command line

To check the running processes on a Linux system, you can use the ps command. Here’s an example:

$ ps aux

This command will show a list of all the running processes and their status information. The output includes the following columns:

  • USER: the username of the owner of the process.
  • PID: the process ID of the process.
  • %CPU: the percentage of CPU time used by the process.
  • %MEM: the percentage of physical memory used by the process.
  • VSZ: the virtual memory size of the process in kilobytes.
  • RSS: the resident set size of the process in kilobytes.
  • TTY: the terminal associated with the process.
  • STAT: the status of the process (e.g. S for sleeping, R for running).
  • START: the start time of the process.
  • TIME: the cumulative CPU time used by the process.
  • COMMAND: the name of the command used to start the process.

There are many options available with the ps command, so you can customize the output to show only the information you need.


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