How to check if Ansible collection is installed or not

You can check if an Ansible collection is installed by using the ansible-galaxy command-line tool.

To check if a specific collection is installed, you can use the list command with the --installed option. For example:

ansible-galaxy collection list --installed

This will list all the collections that are currently installed in your system.

You can also check for a specific collection by adding the collection name to the command, like this:

ansible-galaxy collection list --installed <collection_name>

This will list the specific collection that you are looking for, if it is installed. If the collection is not installed you will receive a message “No matching collections found.”

You can also use the command ansible-galaxy collection info <collection_name> to check if a specific collection is installed, If the collection is installed it will show the information of the collection, if not it will show a message “Collection not found”.

In order to use the collection it should be installed and also should be in the ansible’s path, you can check that by running ansible-config dump | grep collections_paths it will show you the path where ansible is looking for the collections.

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