How to check hard drive health on FreeBSD with smartctl CLI

To check the health of a hard drive on a FreeBSD system using the smartctl command, you can use the following steps:

  1. Install the smartmontools package:
sudo pkg install smartmontools
  1. Identify the hard drive you want to check. You can use the following command to list all hard drives connected to the system:
sudo smartctl --scan
  1. Once you have identified the hard drive, use the smartctl command to check its health:
sudo smartctl -H /dev/ada0

Alternatively, you can also check the health status of all hard drives connected to the system by using:

sudo smartctl -H -a /dev/ada0

Note: Replace /dev/ada0 with the correct device name of your hard drive.

The smartctl command will return the health status of the hard drive, along with other information such as the model number and serial number. If the hard drive is healthy, the output should show “SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED”. If it’s not healthy, it will show “SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: FAILED”.

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