How to check and list installed packages in CentOS Linux

In CentOS Linux, you can use the yum package manager to check and list the installed packages on your system. Here are the steps to check and list installed packages:

  1. Open a terminal window and log in as the root user or use the sudo command to run the following commands.
  2. To check if a specific package is installed on your system, use the yum list installed command followed by the package name. For example:
yum list installed package-name

This will display information about the package, including its version, size, and installation date.

  1. To list all installed packages on your system, use the yum list installed command without any arguments. For example:
yum list installed

This will display a list of all installed packages along with their versions and sizes.

  1. To check if a package is available in the repositories, but not installed on your system, you can use yum list available command followed by the package name.
  2. To list all packages that are available in the repositories, but not installed on your system, use the yum list available command without any arguments.
  3. To search for a package by name use the yum search command followed by the package name. For example:
yum search package-name
  1. To list all installed packages along with their version, architecture and repository, you can use rpm -qa command.
rpm -qa

These are some examples of how you can check and list installed packages on a CentOS Linux system using the yum package manager. You can choose the command that best suits your needs and use them accordingly.

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