How to automatically mount zfs file system on Linux/Unix/FreeBSD

To automatically mount a ZFS file system on boot, you will need to create a new entry in the /etc/fstab file. The entry should include the following information:

  1. The ZFS file system’s name
  2. The mount point, the directory where the file system should be mounted
  3. The filesystem type, ZFS
  4. The options, default is rw
  5. The dump option, default is 0
  6. The pass option, default is 0

Here is an example of what a fstab entry for a ZFS file system named “mypool/myfs” mounted at “/mnt/myfs” would look like:

mypool/myfs /mnt/myfs zfs rw 0 0

Once the fstab entry is created, you can test the mount by running:

sudo mount -a

If there are no errors, the ZFS file system should be mounted and accessible at the specified mount point. If you encounter any errors, you may need to review the fstab entry or the ZFS file system’s properties.

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