How to assign a grep command value to a variable in Linux/Unix

In Linux/Unix, you can assign the output of a grep command to a variable using command substitution. Command substitution allows you to capture the output of a command and use it as the value of a variable.

Here’s an example of how to assign the output of a grep command to a variable in a bash shell:

VAR=$(grep "pattern" file.txt)

In this example, the grep command is used to search for lines that contain the string “pattern” in the file “file.txt”. The output of the grep command is captured and assigned to the variable VAR.

You can use the variable VAR in your script like this:

echo $VAR

This will print the contents of the variable VAR, which should be the output of the grep command.

Note: Command substitution uses the syntax $(command) in a bash shell. If you’re using a different shell, the syntax may be different.

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