How to add days to date and get new date on Linux

To add days to a date and get the new date on Linux, you can use the date command along with the + operator.

The basic syntax for adding days to a date is:

date -d "current date + number of days"

For example, to add 7 days to the current date, you would run the following command:

date -d "today + 7 days"

This will return the date that is 7 days after the current date.

You can also add days to a specific date by replacing “today” with the desired date in the format “yyyy-mm-dd”. For example, to add 7 days to January 1st, 2022, you would run the following command:

date -d "2022-01-01 + 7 days"

You can also add days, months or years to a specific date using the “+” operator.

date --date="2022-01-01 + 1 month + 5 days"

Additionally, you can use the -v or --date option to specify the number of days, months or years to add.

date -d "2022-01-01 + 1 month + 5 days"

Note: The date command may have slight variations depending on the Linux distribution, and the date format may also vary.

Also, keep in mind that these commands return the date in the format “YYYY-MM-DD” if you want to change the format you can use the +FORMAT option with the date command.

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