FreeBSD Install Rsnapshot Filesystem Snapshot Backup Utility

To install the Rsnapshot filesystem snapshot backup utility on FreeBSD, you can use the pkg package manager. Here’s how:

  1. Make sure you have the pkg package manager installed on your FreeBSD system. If you don’t have it installed, you can install it by running the following command as root:
pkg install pkg
  1. Update your package database by running the following command as root:
pkg update
  1. Install the Rsnapshot package by running the following command as root:
pkg install rsnapshot
  1. Once the installation is complete, you can start using Rsnapshot to create and manage filesystem snapshots. The configuration file for Rsnapshot is located at /usr/local/etc/rsnapshot.conf. You will need to edit this file to configure your backup schedule and settings.

By default, Rsnapshot will use the local file system for storing snapshots. However, you can configure it to use other storage options, such as a remote file system or a cloud storage service. For more information on using Rsnapshot, you can consult the documentation and man pages included with the package.

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