FreeBSD Install FuzzyOCR To Detect Image Spam

FuzzyOCR is a tool that can be used to detect image spam in email messages. Here are the steps to install FuzzyOCR on FreeBSD:

  1. Open a terminal window on your FreeBSD machine.
  2. Install the required dependencies:
    sudo pkg install p5-Image-Info p5-Image-Size p5-MIME-Tools
  3. Download the FuzzyOCR source code from the project’s website:
  4. Extract the contents of the archive:
    tar -zxvf fuzzyocr-3.6.0.tar.gz
  5. Navigate to the extracted directory:
    cd fuzzyocr-3.6.0
  6. Build and install FuzzyOCR:
    sudo perl Makefile.PL
    sudo make
    sudo make test
    sudo make install
  7. Create a configuration file for FuzzyOCR:
    sudo cp /usr/local/etc/
  8. Edit the configuration file to configure FuzzyOCR. You can use your favorite text editor to open the file:
    sudo nano /usr/local/etc/

    In this file, you can configure various settings related to FuzzyOCR’s operation. For example, you can specify the minimum and maximum size of images that should be scanned for spam, the threshold for considering an image to be spam, and the action to take when an image is detected as spam.

  9. Start the FuzzyOCR service:
    sudo /usr/local/bin/fuzzyocr -d

    This will start the FuzzyOCR service in daemon mode.

  10. Configure your email server to use FuzzyOCR to scan incoming messages for image spam. The specific steps to do this will depend on your email server software, so you should consult the documentation for your email server for more information.

That’s it! FuzzyOCR should now be up and running on your FreeBSD machine, ready to detect image spam in your email messages. (

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