FreeBSD Add a User To Wheel Group Command

In FreeBSD, you can add a user to the “wheel” group using the pw command. The “wheel” group is a special group in FreeBSD that has the ability to run the su command to switch to the root user. Here’s how:

  1. Add the user to the “wheel” group:
    sudo pw groupmod wheel -m username

    Replace username with the actual username of the user that you want to add to the “wheel” group.

  2. Verify that the user has been added to the “wheel” group:
    grep wheel /etc/group

    This should display a line similar to the following:


    This indicates that the user “username” has been added to the “wheel” group.

Note: The steps above assume that you have root or superuser privileges. You should use caution when granting users access to the root user or “wheel” group, as it can potentially be used to perform actions that could harm your system.

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