Fix Host ‘IP’ is blocked because of many connection errors on MySQL/MariaDB

If you are encountering the error “Host ‘IP’ is blocked because of many connection errors” on a MySQL or MariaDB server, it means that the server has reached the maximum number of failed connection attempts and has blocked the IP address in question. To fix this issue, you need to unblock the IP address. ( Here’s how to do it:

  1. Connect to the MySQL/MariaDB server using the root or an administrative account.

  2. Flush the host cache:


    This will clear the cache of blocked IP addresses and allow new connections.

  3. Unblock the IP address:


    Replace ‘IP’ with the actual IP address that was blocked.

  4. Check the status of the IP address:

    SELECT * FROM mysql.user WHERE Host='IP';

    If the IP address has been unblocked, the result should show a status of ‘unblocked’.

  5. Test the connection to the server using the IP address.

Note: To prevent future connection errors, it is recommended to increase the maximum number of allowed failed connection attempts in the MySQL/MariaDB server configuration. You can do this by modifying the max_connect_errors option in the my.cnf or my.ini file.

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