Fix Google Search Console Error Page indexing Not found 404

There are several steps you can take to fix the “404 not found” error in Google Search Console:

  1. Create redirection of 404 pages to any of your relevant blog
  2. Check for typos in the URL: Make sure that the URL you’re trying to index is spelled correctly and that there are no extra spaces or characters.
  3. Check for redirects: If the page has been moved or deleted, check to see if it has been redirected to a new URL. If so, update the URL in Search Console to the new location.
  4. Check for crawl errors: Go to the Crawl Errors report in Search Console to see if there are any crawl errors for the page. If so, fix the errors and submit the page for re-indexing.
  5. Check for server errors: If the page returns a server error (e.g. “500 Internal Server Error”), check with your webmaster or hosting provider to see if there is a problem with the server.
  6. Submit a sitemap: If you haven’t already, submit a sitemap to Google Search Console. This will help Google discover new pages on your site and index them more quickly.
  7. Use Google Search Console’s Fetch as Google feature to request indexing of the page
  8. If none of above solution works, you can submit a request to remove the URL from Google’s index via the URL removal tool in the Search Console.


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