CentOS / RHEL: Install ipset Administration Tool For IP Sets and IPTables

You can install the ipset administration tool on CentOS and RHEL by using the package manager yum.

Here’s how to install ipset:

  1. Update the package index:
sudo yum update
  1. Install the ipset package:
sudo yum install ipset

After the installation is complete, you can use the ipset command to manage IP sets and IPTables. For example, you can create a new IP set, add an IP address to it, and then use the set in an IPTables rule to block incoming traffic from that address:

sudo ipset create blocklist hash:ip
sudo ipset add blocklist
sudo iptables -A INPUT -m set --match-set blocklist src -j DROP

In this example, the ipset create command creates a new IP set named “blocklist” that uses the “hash:ip” type to store IP addresses. The ipset add command adds the IP address to the set. The iptables command creates a new IPTables rule that matches incoming traffic using the “blocklist” set and drops any matching packets.

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