CentOS / RHEL: Disable or Enable SELinux Policy Modules

In CentOS or Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), you can disable or enable SELinux policy modules using the setsebool command.

Here’s how to disable a SELinux policy module:

  1. Determine the name of the SELinux policy module you want to disable. You can use the following command to list all the available SELinux policy modules:
    semodule -l
  2. Use the following command to disable the SELinux policy module:
    setsebool -P <module_name> off

    Replace <module_name> with the actual name of the SELinux policy module you want to disable.

Here’s how to enable a SELinux policy module:

  1. Determine the name of the SELinux policy module you want to enable. You can use the following command to list all the available SELinux policy modules:
    semodule -l
  2. Use the following command to enable the SELinux policy module:
    setsebool -P <module_name> on

    Replace <module_name> with the actual name of the SELinux policy module you want to enable.

Note: Disabling or enabling SELinux policy modules can affect the security of your system. Be sure to understand the consequences of disabling or enabling a particular policy module before you do so.

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