Domain Redirection Using a PHP Script

Domain redirection can be achieved using a PHP script. Here’s an example script that redirects the user to a new page: <?php header(“Location:”); exit; ?> In this example, replace with the URL of the page that you want to redirect the user to. This script uses the header function in PHP to send … Read more

Proftpd: Make Sure FTP Client Does Not Timeout

To make sure that FTP clients do not timeout, you need to configure the TimeoutIdle directive in the ProFTPD configuration file. Here are the steps to configure TimeoutIdle directive: Open the ProFTPD configuration file in a text editor. The default configuration file is located at /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf. $ sudo vi /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf Scroll down to the TimeoutIdle … Read more

Linux: Skip or Bypass a Fsck

When a Linux system is booting up, it may perform a file system check (fsck) on the file systems to ensure their consistency. This is usually necessary if the system was not shut down properly or if there are any disk errors. During this process, the fsck utility examines the file system and can repair … Read more

cPanel: Update Exim Mail Server

To update Exim mail server in cPanel, follow these steps: Log in to cPanel. In the search bar, type “Update Email” and click on “Update Email Routing Settings”. In the “Email Routing” section, select “Local Mail Exchanger”. Scroll down to the “Update Config” section and click on “Update Configuration”. Wait for the update to complete. … Read more

FreeBSD pkg_add: warning: package php5-pcre-5.2.6_2 requires php5-5.2.8, but php5-pcre-5.2.6_2 is installed

This warning occurs when you are trying to install a package with pkg_add that has a dependency on a specific version of a package that is not currently installed. In this case, the package php5-pcre-5.2.6_2 requires php5-5.2.8, but you have php5-pcre-5.2.6_2 installed which is not compatible with the required dependency. To resolve this issue, you … Read more

MySQL: Find Out Which Table is Consuming Resources

To find out which table is consuming the most resources in MySQL, you can use the following SQL query: SELECT table_name, engine, table_rows, data_length, index_length, round(((data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024), 2) “Size in MB” FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE table_schema = “your_database_name” ORDER BY (data_length + index_length) DESC; Replace your_database_name with the name of your … Read more