7 Best Free And Open Source Employee Monitoring Software

7 Best Free And Open Source Employee Monitoring Software   Employee monitoring is necessary for organizations – irrespective of size and scale, industry, or even turn over. It is the process by which an employer observes an employee’s work routine and scans for any irregularities in the execution of duties and related factors through online … Read more

7 Best Free And Open Source Exam Software Solutions

7 Best Free And Open Source Exam Software Solutions   An Exam Software is a carrier for easy online assessment that helps in general academic evaluation or exploring specific abilities and characteristics for talent selection. These tools are absolutely fantastic to scrutinize and select suitable candidates for different jobs. The Graduate Record Examinations (GRE), which … Read more

7 Best Free And Open Source Farm Management Software

7 Best Free And Open Source Farm Management Software Farm management is a combined strategy for managing and simplifying a plethora of farm operations such as planning and budgeting, planting, growing, fertilizing, irrigation, and harvesting to increase crop productivity and farm profitability.   1. farmOS – https://farmos.org/ 2. Tania – https://usetania.org/ 3. AgroSense – https://agrosense.eu/ … Read more

7 Best Free And Open Source Employee Engagement Software

7 Best Free And Open Source Employee Engagement Software   The engaged employee is completely engrossed and keen about their work in an organization. To foster the reputation and interest of the organization, the engaged employee always take affirmative action. (https://www.sanjaytaxpro.com/)   1. Hyphen – https://www.betterworks.com/product/employee-survey-tools/ 2. Hi5 – https://www.hi5.team/ 3. Qualtrics – https://www.qualtrics.com/au/employee-experience/ 4. … Read more

7 Best Free And Open Source Loan Origination Software

7 Best Free And Open Source Loan Origination Software   Loan origination software is a suite of digital tools that help Financial Institutions and other lending entities digitalize the entire lending process. The best loan origination software often enables related businesses to make better, credit-worthy decisions on borrowers, automate administrative workflows, enhance applicant experience, optimize … Read more

7 Best Free And Open Source Learning Management System Software

7 Best Free And Open Source Learning Management System Software   A generally addressed LMS system makes advanced training easy and accessible. LMS is an application that can be deployed for the administration, management, and delivery of educational programs, training programs, or development programs. On any device, you can create, distribute, and track from anywhere … Read more

7 Best Free And Open Source Laed Management Software Solution

7 Best Free And Open Source Laed Management Software Solution   Lead Management accounts tracking and managing prospective customers. It is sometimes also referred to as customer acquisition management or contact management.   1. Marketable LLC – https://www.marketablellc.com/ 2. Convertable – https://convertable.com/ 3. LeadFeeder – https://www.leadfeeder.com/ 4. ClinchPad – https://clinchpad.com/ 5. truLEADS – https://www.trufla.com/products/truleads/ 6. … Read more