How to find the NVIDIA cuda version

You can find the NVIDIA CUDA version by using the nvidia-smi command in the terminal. The nvidia-smi command provides information about the NVIDIA GPU(s) installed on the system, including the CUDA version. The command to check CUDA version is: nvidia-smi –query-gpu=driver_version –format=csv You can also check the CUDA version by running the nvcc command which … Read more

How to set up ssh public key password-less on FreeBSD

Setting up an ssh public key for password-less authentication on FreeBSD involves the following steps: Generate an ssh key pair on your local machine, if you don’t have one already. ssh-keygen -t rsa Copy the public key to the remote server. ssh-copy-id user@remote-server Configure the remote server to allow password-less authentication by editing the ssh … Read more

How to install shellcheck on Alpine Linux

Shellcheck is a static analysis tool for shell scripts. You can install Shellcheck on Alpine Linux using the package manager apk. Here’s an example of how to install Shellcheck on Alpine Linux: Update package list: Before installing Shellcheck, you should first update your package list by running the command: apk update Install Shellcheck: Once your … Read more