How to hide files and directories in Linux

In Linux, you can use the “.” (dot) character at the beginning of a file or directory name to make it hidden. ( When a file or directory is hidden, it will not be displayed when using the ls command without the -a option (which shows hidden files) and by default in most file managers. … Read more

Install Chromium browser in Fedora 29 using dnf command

To install Chromium browser in Fedora 29 using the dnf command, you can follow these steps: Open a terminal and update the package list by running the command: sudo dnf update Add the Chromium browser package repository to your system by running the command: sudo dnf config-manager –add-repo= Install the Chromium browser package by running … Read more

How to upgrade Fedora 29 to Fedora 30

Upgrading Fedora 29 to Fedora 30 involves several steps and it’s recommended to have a backup of your important files before starting the upgrade process. Verify your current version: Before upgrading, you should check the version of Fedora that you are currently running by running the command cat /etc/fedora-release. Update your current version: Before upgrading, … Read more