How to configure a FreeBSD 11 Jail with vnet and ZFS

Here are the general steps to configure a FreeBSD 11 jail with vnet and ZFS: Create a ZFS dataset for the jail: zfs create -o mountpoint=/jails/myjail tank/jails/myjail Install the jail management tool: pkg install ezjail Enable the ezjail service: sysrc ezjail_enable=”YES” Create the jail with vnet and ZFS support: ezjail-admin create -c vnet -m zfs … Read more

How to install and configure OpenVPN client on OpenBSD

Installing and configuring an OpenVPN client on OpenBSD involves several steps: Install the OpenVPN package by running the command pkg_add openvpn Create a directory to store the client configuration files, such as /etc/openvpn Obtain the client configuration files from your OpenVPN server, including the client certificate and key files. These should be placed in the … Read more

How to Restart Linux server using putty ssh client on Windows

To restart a Linux server using Putty SSH client on Windows, follow these steps: Open Putty and connect to your Linux server using the appropriate IP address, username and password. Once connected, enter the command “sudo reboot” and press Enter. This will initiate the reboot process. You will be prompted to enter your password again … Read more

How to install Ansible on Ubuntu 18.04 for IT automation

To install Ansible on Ubuntu 18.04, you can follow these steps: Update the package index: sudo apt-get update Install the software-properties-common package to allow you to use the add-apt-repository command: sudo apt-get install software-properties-common Add the Ansible PPA (personal package archive) to your system: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ansible/ansible Update the package index again: sudo apt-get update … Read more