How to redirect standard (stderr) error in bash

You can redirect standard error (stderr) in bash to a file, or to another standard stream, such as standard output (stdout), using the following syntax: command 2> file.txt This will redirect the standard error stream from the “command” to the file “file.txt”. To redirect standard error to standard output, which can then be redirected to … Read more

How to build Perl module rpm file with cpanspec on RHEL/CentOS Linux

To build a Perl module RPM file using cpanspec on RHEL/CentOS Linux, you can follow the steps below: Install cpanspec: # yum install cpanspec Download the Perl module from CPAN: # cpan <Module-Name> Convert the Perl module to an RPM package: # cpanspec <Module-Name> Build the RPM package: # rpmbuild –define “_sourcedir `pwd`” –define “_srcrpmdir … Read more

How to install Skype application on Linux

There are several ways to install Skype on Linux, including the following: Install using Snap: You can install Skype on Linux using the Snap package manager. To do this, follow these steps: sudo snap install skype –classic Install using Flathub: Flathub is another package manager for Linux, and it provides a Skype package. To install … Read more

How To Install Nginx on SUSE Linux Enterprise server 12

To install Nginx on SUSE Linux Enterprise server 12, follow these steps: Add the Nginx repository to the system: sudo zypper addrepo nginx Refresh the package list: sudo zypper refresh Install Nginx: sudo zypper install nginx Start the Nginx service: sudo systemctl start nginx Enable Nginx to start automatically at boot time: sudo systemctl … Read more