MySQL reset password for user account

To reset the password for a MySQL user account, you can use the following steps: Connect to the MySQL server as the root user:   mysql -u root -p Use the following command to reset the password for a specific user account:   SET PASSWORD FOR ‘username’@’hostname’ = PASSWORD(‘newpassword’); Replace “username” with the actual username … Read more

How to install curl command on Ubuntu Linux

To install curl command on Ubuntu Linux, you can use the following steps: Open the terminal and update the package lists using the following command:   sudo apt update Install curl using the following command:   sudo apt install curl Verify the installation by checking the version of curl:   curl –version This will show … Read more

How to import a OpenVPN .ovpn file with Network Manager or Command Line in Linux

To import a .ovpn file with Network Manager in Linux, follow these steps: Install Network Manager OpenVPN plugin:   sudo apt-get install network-manager-openvpn-gnome Go to Network Connections from the System Settings or from the top right corner Network Manager applet. Click on the gear icon and select Import a saved VPN configuration. Browse and select … Read more

How to Install and Configure latest version of Ansible on Ubuntu Linux

To install and configure the latest version of Ansible on Ubuntu Linux, follow these steps: Update the package list:   sudo apt-get update Install the software-properties-common package:   sudo apt-get install software-properties-common Add the Ansible PPA repository:   sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible Update the package list again:   sudo apt-get update Install Ansible:   sudo apt-get … Read more

How to check memory on Debian Linux

You can check the memory usage on Debian Linux using the free command. This command displays the total amount of free and used physical and swap memory in the system, as well as the buffers used by the kernel. Here is an example:   $ free -h total used free shared buff/cache available Mem: 7.8G … Read more