How to secure Nginx with Let’s Encrypt certificate on Alpine Linux

To secure Nginx with a Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate on Alpine Linux, you can use the certbot tool. Here are the steps: Install certbot: apk add certbot Obtain a SSL certificate: certbot certonly –standalone -d Update Nginx configuration to use the SSL certificate: Add the following lines to the Nginx server block configuration file, … Read more

How to install PHP 7 fpm on Alpine Linux

To install PHP 7 fpm on Alpine Linux, follow these steps: Update the package list: apk update Install PHP 7 fpm and dependencies: apk add php7-fpm Start the PHP 7 fpm service: /etc/init.d/php-fpm7 start Enable the PHP 7 fpm service to start automatically on boot: rc-update add php-fpm7 default Verify that PHP 7 fpm is … Read more

Linux Rename Folder Command

To rename a folder in Linux, use the “mv” command. The syntax is:   mv old_folder_name new_folder_name For example, to rename a folder named “old_folder” to “new_folder”, run:   mv old_folder new_folder (

How to test PHP 7 and WordPress MySQL/MariaDB Database connectivity using a PHP script

To test PHP 7 and WordPress MySQL/MariaDB database connectivity using a PHP script, you can use the following steps: Create a new PHP file with a .php extension, for example test.php Open the file using a text editor and add the following code:   <?php $host = “hostname”; $user = “username”; $password = “password”; $dbname … Read more

How to move/migrate LXD VM to another host on Linux

To move/migrate an LXD virtual machine to another host, follow these steps: On the source host, stop the LXD container: lxc stop <container name> Export the container: lxc export <container name> <file name>.tar.gz Copy the exported tar archive to the target host: scp <file name>.tar.gz <user>@<target host IP address>:~/ On the target host, import the … Read more