How to upload ssh public key to as authorized_key using Ansible

Here’s how you can upload an SSH public key as an authorized_key using Ansible: Create a new playbook in Ansible: nano upload_key.yml Add the following content to the playbook to upload an SSH public key: – name: Upload SSH public key hosts: <host_group> become: yes become_user: <username> tasks: – name: Create authorized_keys file authorized_key: user: … Read more

How to configure Nginx SSL/TLS passthrough with TCP load balancing

Here’s how you can configure Nginx to perform SSL/TLS passthrough with TCP load balancing: Install Nginx: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install nginx Create a new Nginx configuration file in the sites-available directory: sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/<your_site> Replace <your_site> with the desired name for your site. Add the following content to the file to configure Nginx … Read more