10 Alpine Linux apk Command Examples

Here are 10 examples of using the apk command in Alpine Linux: Search for a package: apk search [package-name] Install a package: apk add [package-name] Upgrade an installed package: apk upgrade [package-name] Remove an installed package: apk del [package-name] Update the list of available packages: apk update Show information about an installed package: apk info … Read more

How to install kotlin programming language on Ubuntu/Debian Linux

To install Kotlin programming language on Ubuntu/Debian Linux, you can follow these steps: Add the JetBrains PPA to your system by running the following command: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:webupd8team/java Update your package index with the following command: sudo apt-get update Install Kotlin by running the following command: sudo apt-get install kotlin Verify the installation by checking … Read more

How to find out and show a log of actions taken by the software management on Linux

On Linux, the package management system logs are typically stored in /var/log/ directory. To find out the log of actions taken by the software management on Linux, you can use the following commands: For Debian/Ubuntu based systems, the package management logs are stored in the /var/log/dpkg.log file. You can view the log by using the … Read more