FreeBSD find CPU (processor) temperature command

To find the CPU temperature in FreeBSD, you can use the sysctl command to retrieve the temperature information from the system’s sensors. The temperature is stored in the “hw.sensors.cpu0.temp0” sysctl node. Example: sysctl hw.sensors.cpu0.temp0 Output: hw.sensors.cpu0.temp0=56.0 degC Note: The temperature output may vary depending on your system and the type of sensor used. The above … Read more

How to check boot path (partition) in Linux

To check the boot partition in Linux, you can use the “lsblk” command. This command lists all the available block devices and their respective partitions. The boot partition is typically the root partition (/) and is mounted as the root file system. The output of the command will show the name of the partition (e.g., … Read more

How to check os version in Linux command line

There are several ways to check the operating system version in the Linux command line. Here are a few common methods: Using the lsb_release command: lsb_release -a This command displays detailed information about the Linux distribution, including the version, release number, and codename. Using the /etc/os-release file: cat /etc/os-release This file contains information about the … Read more

upower command in Linux with examples

The upower command is a tool in Linux for monitoring and managing power usage on the system. It provides information about the state of the battery, the power supply, and other power-related information. Here are some common examples of how to use the upower command: Get a list of all power devices on the system: … Read more

How To Patch and Protect OpenSSH Client Vulnerability CVE-2016-0777 and CVE-2016-0778

The vulnerabilities CVE-2016-0777 and CVE-2016-0778 in the OpenSSH client were fixed in version 7.2p2 and later. To patch and protect against these vulnerabilities, you need to upgrade your OpenSSH client to a version that includes the fix. Here are the steps to upgrade the OpenSSH client on a Linux system: Check your current version of … Read more

How to use curl command with proxy username/password on Linux/ Unix

To use the curl command with a proxy username and password on Linux/Unix, you can use the following syntax: curl –proxy [proxy-username:proxy-password@]proxy-server-URL [URL] For example, to make a request to using a proxy server with a username of user and password of pass, you would run the following command: curl –proxy … Read more