Install LEMP (Linux, Nginx, MySQL and PHP) Stack on Ubuntu Linux 14.04 LTS

Here’s how you can install the LEMP (Linux, Nginx, MySQL, and PHP) stack on an Ubuntu Linux 14.04 LTS server: Update the package repository: sudo apt-get update Install Nginx web server: sudo apt-get install nginx Start Nginx and enable it to start at boot: sudo service nginx start sudo update-rc.d nginx defaults Install MySQL server: … Read more

HowTo: Use ps, kill, nice, and killall To Manage processes in FreeBSD and OS X Unix Operating System

Here are some common tasks for managing processes in FreeBSD and OS X Unix operating system using the ps, kill, nice, and killall commands: List running processes: ps aux Kill a process by PID: kill [pid] Change the priority of a process: nice -n [priority] [command] Kill all processes with a specific name: killall [process … Read more

Check The Number Of MySQL Open Database Connections on Linux Or Unix-like Server

To check the number of open database connections in MySQL on a Linux or Unix-like server, you can use the following command: mysqladmin status | grep “Threads_connected” Alternatively, you can also use the following SQL query to check the number of open connections in MySQL: SHOW STATUS WHERE `variable_name` = ‘Threads_connected’; Both of these methods … Read more

How To Install Apache, MySQL, PHP stack on FreeBSD Unix Server

Here’s how you can install the Apache, MySQL, and PHP stack on a FreeBSD Unix server: Update the package repository: sudo pkg update Install Apache HTTP server: sudo pkg install apache24 Start Apache and enable it to start at boot: sudo sysrc apache24_enable=”YES” sudo service apache24 start Install MySQL server: sudo pkg install mysql80-server Start … Read more

Install MariaDB Databases on a FreeBSD 11 Unix Server

To install MariaDB on a FreeBSD 11 server, you can use the following steps: Add the MariaDB repository to your system’s package sources list. This can be done by creating a file in the /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos directory with the following contents: sudo nano /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/MariaDB.conf MariaDB: { url: “pkg+”, enabled: yes } Update your system’s package database … Read more

How To Change Timezone on a CentOS 6 and 7

You can change the timezone on a CentOS 6 and 7 system using the following steps: Determine the correct timezone: timedatectl list-timezones This will display a list of available timezones. Look for the timezone you want to use and make a note of its name. Change the timezone: sudo timedatectl set-timezone <Timezone_Name> Replace <Timezone_Name> with … Read more