Nginx: 301 Redirect To A Domain Name

To redirect all requests from one domain to another in Nginx, you can add the following code to your Nginx configuration file: server { listen 80; server_name; return 301 $scheme://$request_uri; } This code listens on port 80 and checks the hostname of incoming requests. If the hostname is “”, it returns a 301 redirect … Read more

How to unpack .tgz file on a Linux

To unpack a .tgz file on a Linux system, use the following command: tar -xvzf filename.tgz x option is to extract the archive. v option is for verbose output, it shows the progress of the unpacking process. z option is to unpack the archive with gzip. f option is to specify the archive file name. … Read more

RHEL / CentOS 6.x KVM Virtualization Installation and Configuration Guide

Installing KVM on RHEL/CentOS 6.x involves the following steps: Verify hardware virtualization support: Make sure that your hardware supports virtualization. You can check this by running the following command: grep -E ‘vmx|svm’ /proc/cpuinfo Install KVM packages: The KVM packages can be installed using the “yum” package manager. Run the following command in your terminal: yum … Read more

Mac OS X: Install Go Programming Language

To install Go programming language on Mac OS X, you have several options: Homebrew: This is a package manager for Mac OS X that makes it easy to install and manage software. To install Go using Homebrew, run the following command in your terminal: brew install go Binary Installer: You can also download the binary … Read more

How To Reinstall MySQL v5.x On Linux

To reinstall MySQL v5.x on Linux, you can follow these steps: Stop the MySQL service: sudo systemctl stop mysqld Remove the existing MySQL installation: sudo yum remove mysql Remove the MySQL data directory: sudo rm -rf /var/lib/mysql Download the MySQL repository package: wget Install the MySQL repository package: sudo yum localinstall mysql57-community-release-el7-11.noarch.rpm Install MySQL: … Read more