BSD PF Firewall Block FTP Bruteforce Attacks

To block FTP bruteforce attacks using the PF firewall on a BSD system, you can create a rule that limits the number of FTP connections from a single IP address within a certain period of time. Here’s an example rule that blocks FTP bruteforce attacks:

pass in on $ext_if proto tcp from any to $ftp_server port ftp flags S/SA \
keep state (max-src-conn 10, max-src-conn-rate 5/10, overload <ftp-bruteforce> flush)
block in quick from <ftp-bruteforce>

Here’s how the rule works:

  1. The pass rule allows incoming TCP connections to the FTP server on the FTP port (port ftp) from any source IP address (from any) that have the SYN and ACK flags set (flags S/SA).
  2. The keep state option maintains state information for the connection and limits the number of connections from a single source IP address within a certain period of time. The max-src-conn 10 option limits the maximum number of connections from a single source IP address to 10, and the max-src-conn-rate 5/10 option limits the rate of new connections to 5 per 10 seconds.
  3. The overload <ftp-bruteforce> option sets a timeout for the connections that exceed the limits, and assigns them to the “ftp-bruteforce” table.
  4. The flush option removes the entries from the “ftp-bruteforce” table when the timeout expires.
  5. The block rule blocks incoming traffic from the “ftp-bruteforce” table.

You can customize the values of the max-src-conn and max-src-conn-rate options to suit your needs. You can also use a different table name if you prefer. Make sure to reload the PF firewall after modifying the rules by running the command pfctl -f /etc/pf.conf.

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