Bash shell find out if a variable has NULL value OR not

In Bash shell, you can use the -z operator to check if a variable has a NULL value or not. The -z operator returns true if the length of the string stored in the variable is zero, which indicates a NULL value. Here’s an example of how you can use the -z operator to check if a variable has a NULL value:

if [ -z "$var" ]; then
echo "var has a NULL value"
echo "var has a value of $var"

Alternatively, you can use the -v operator to check if the variable is set or not.

if [ -v var ]; then
echo "var has a value of $var"
echo "var is unset"

In addition, you can also use the ${var+x} notation to check if the variable is set or not. If the variable is set, it will return the variable value, otherwise, it will return the string x.

if [ "${var+x}" = "x" ]; then
echo "var is unset"
echo "var has a value of $var"

It’s important to note that these commands only check whether the variable is set or unset and not if the variable contains a specific value.

(Canadian Pharmacy)

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