apt Command Examples for Ubuntu/Debian Linux

The apt command is a powerful package management tool for Debian-based systems such as Ubuntu and Debian Linux. Here are some common apt command examples:

  • Update the package list:
sudo apt update
  • Upgrade installed packages:
sudo apt upgrade
  • Install a package:
sudo apt install package-name
  • Remove a package:
sudo apt remove package-name
  • Purge a package (removes configuration files as well):
sudo apt purge package-name
  • Search for a package:
apt search package-name
  • Show information about a package:
apt show package-name
  • Get a list of installed packages:
apt list --installed
  • Clean up cached packages:
sudo apt clean

These are some of the most commonly used apt commands, but there are many more options and features available. To get a full list of available options and commands, you can use the man command to view the apt manual:

man apt

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