7 Best Cloud Based Cross Browser Testing Tools

7 Best Cloud Based Cross Browser Testing Tools


In this video, we’re going to cover 7 of the best cross browser testing tools available. Starting from the most popular to the least, we will examine the pros and cons of each tool, and hopefully find one that is a good fit for your organization.


1. LambdaTest – https://www.gomahamaya.com/go/lambdatest-online-browser-testing
2. Shells – https://www.shells.com/l/en-US/browser-in-the-cloud
3. BrowserStack – https://www.browserstack.com/live
4. Testsigma – https://testsigma.com/automated-cross-browser-testing-tool
5. TestingBot – https://testingbot.com/features/manual-browser-testing
6. Ghost Inspector – https://ghostinspector.com/features-non-coding/#browsers
7. TestGrid – https://www.testgrid.io/solutions/browser-and-device-cloud


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