7 Best Open Source Product Lifecycle Management Software

7 Best Open Source Product Lifecycle Management Software


Open source product lifecycle management software is free and open source. With these tools, you can manage your project’s risk with ease, focus on innovation and don’t have to wait for IT teams for upgrades. Watch this video and find out about best open source PLCM projects that are out there!


1. odoo – https://www.odoo.com/app/plm
2. OpenPLM – http://www.openplm.org/trac
3. PTC Windchill – https://www.ptc.com/en/products/windchill
4. OpenBom – https://www.openbom.com/
5. beCPG – https://www.becpg.net/
6. DocDokuPLM – https://www.docdokuplm.com/
7. FusePLM – https://www.fuseplm.com/


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