7 Best Free And Open Source Data Extraction Software

7 Best Free And Open Source Data Extraction Software


In this video, I’m going to talk about the 7 best free and open source data extraction software, including why you need to use these tools and how you can download them. There’s a lot of great tools out there but I’m going to focus on the ones that are free or open-source. (https://www.fallsgrovedentistry.com/)


1. Textricator – https://textricator.mfj.io/
2. Outwit Hub – https://www.outwit.com/products/hub/
3. Octoparse – https://www.octoparse.com/
4. ScrapeStorm – https://www.webharvy.com/
5. WebHarvy – https://www.webharvy.com/
6. Scrapy – https://scrapy.org/
7. Webhose.io – https://webz.io/


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