7 Best Free And Open Source Emergency Notification Software

7 Best Free And Open Source Emergency Notification Software

In this video, I’m going to show you 7 best free and open source emergency notification software that you can use for your company. These tools are either free or offer trial periods, but they all offer some great benefits and features.


1. Cyphon – https://www.cyphon.io/
2. OpenBroadcaster – https://openbroadcaster.com/software/emergency-alert-automation/
3. Sahana EDEN – https://sahanafoundation.org/
4. DisInventar Sendai – https://www.desinventar.net/
5. Bosun – https://bosun.org/
6. Ushahidi – https://www.ushahidi.com/
7. WebEOC – https://www.juvare.com/webeoc/


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