7 Best Free And Open Source Voting Software Solutions

7 Best Free And Open Source Voting Software Solutions


In this video, I will review the voting software solutions I have researched and picked the best ones. The list includes some free and open source options that are ideal for government use, as well as cost-effective commercial solutions. (bobbergdesigns)


1. ElectOS – https://www.osetinstitute.org/
2. Helios Voting – https://vote.heliosvoting.org/
3. VTP Toolkit – http://web.mit.edu/vtp/ovr3.html
4. DemocracyOS – https://democraciaos.org/en/
5. FollowMyVote – https://followmyvote.com/
6. TrustTheVote – https://trustthevote.org/
7. SFOpenVoting – http://www.sfopenvoting.org/


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