Freebsd Mount a NAS via SMB / CIFS

To mount a NAS (Network-Attached Storage) device via SMB/CIFS in FreeBSD, you can use the mount_smbfs command. Here are the steps:

  1. Install the Samba client software if it is not already installed:
    pkg install net/samba44
  2. Create a mount point for the NAS share:
    mkdir /mnt/nas
  3. Mount the NAS share using the mount_smbfs command, specifying the username, password, and domain (if required) for the share:
    mount_smbfs -I <IP_ADDRESS> -U <USERNAME> //<NAS_HOSTNAME>/<SHARE_NAME> /mnt/nas

    For example, to mount a share named “MyShare” on a NAS with IP address “” and hostname “MyNAS” using the username “johndoe” and password “mypassword”, you would run the following command:

    mount_smbfs -I -U johndoe //MyNAS/MyShare /mnt/nas
  4. Verify that the NAS share is mounted by listing the contents of the mount point:
    ls /mnt/nas

    This should display the contents of the NAS share.

To unmount the NAS share, use the umount command:

umount /mnt/nas

This will disconnect from the NAS share and unmount it from the file system.

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