FreeBSD: Install bindgraph To Make Graphs About Queries Sent To BIND

bindgraph is a utility for BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain) that generates graphs about queries sent to BIND. To install bindgraph in FreeBSD, follow these steps:

  1. Open a terminal and log in as root.
  2. Install the bindgraph package using the following command:
    pkg install bindgraph

    This command will download and install the bindgraph package from the official FreeBSD repository.

  3. Configure BIND to enable statistics logging. You can do this by adding the following lines to the BIND configuration file /etc/named.conf:
    statistics-file "/var/named/data/named.stats";
    zone-statistics yes;

    This will enable BIND to log statistics to the file /var/named/data/named.stats.

  4. Start the BIND service using the following command:
    service named start
  5. Generate the bindgraph reports using the following command:
    bindgraph /var/named/data/named.stats /var/named/data/bindgraph/

    This will generate a set of HTML and PNG files in the directory /var/named/data/bindgraph/.

  6. Open the bindgraph index file in a web browser to view the graphs. The default location of the index file is /var/named/data/bindgraph/index.html.

That’s it! You should now have bindgraph installed and running on your FreeBSD system, and be able to generate and view graphs of BIND query statistics.

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