Bash Shell Temporarily Disable an Alias

To temporarily disable an alias in the Bash shell, you can use the \ (backslash) character before the command that the alias points to. This tells the shell to use the actual command instead of the alias.

For example, let’s say you have an alias called ll that points to the ls -l command. If you want to temporarily disable the ll alias and use the actual ls -l command, you can run:

\ls -l

The backslash character tells the shell to use the ls command directly, bypassing the ll alias.

Alternatively, you can use the unalias command to temporarily remove an alias. For example, to remove the ll alias temporarily, you can run:

unalias ll

This will remove the ll alias from the current shell session. If you want to use the alias again, you will need to recreate it or start a new shell session.

Note that both of these methods only temporarily disable the alias for the current shell session. The alias will still be active in future shell sessions unless you remove it permanently or modify your shell configuration to disable it.

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