HowTo: Execute A Script On Remote UNIX / Linux Server

To execute a script on a remote UNIX or Linux server, you can use the ssh command, which allows you to log in to the remote system and run commands.

Here are the steps to execute a script on a remote server using ssh:

  1. Open a terminal or command prompt on your local system.
  2. Type the following command to log in to the remote server and run the script:
ssh username@remote-server '/path/to/'

Replace username with your username on the remote system, and remote-server with the hostname or IP address of the remote system. Replace /path/to/ with the path to the script on the remote system.

  1. If you are prompted to enter a password, enter the password for your user account on the remote system.
  2. The script will then be executed on the remote system, and any output will be displayed in your local terminal or command prompt.

That’s it! You have executed a script on a remote UNIX or Linux server using the ssh command. Note that you will need to have the necessary permissions to access the script and run it on the remote system, so you may need to be a member of the appropriate group or have superuser privileges.

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