Linux / UNIX: Convert Epoch Seconds To the Current Time

In Linux/UNIX, you can use the date command to convert epoch seconds to the current time.

Here’s an example:


# Set epoch seconds to a variable

# Use the date command to convert epoch seconds to human-readable time
formatted_time=$(date -d @$epoch_seconds)

echo "Epoch seconds: $epoch_seconds"
echo "Formatted time: $formatted_time"

In this example, we set the epoch_seconds variable to 1632718301. We then use the date command with the -d option to convert the epoch seconds to human-readable time. The @ symbol tells the date command that the argument is in epoch seconds. The output of the date command is stored in the formatted_time variable.

When you run the script, the output should be similar to this:

Epoch seconds: 1632718301
Formatted time: Tue Sep 27 09:05:01 EDT 2022

The date command can also be used to format the output in a different way, such as a different timezone or a different date format. You can refer to the date command’s manual page for more information on its options and capabilities.

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