Unix / Linux: TCSH / CSH Shell Set Variable

In the tcsh or csh shell, you can set a variable by using the following syntax:

set variable_name = value

For example, to set the variable name to the value John, you would use the following command:

set name = John

Note that spaces are important in this syntax, and you should make sure to include a space before and after the equal sign.

You can also set the value of an environment variable, which can be accessed by any process started from the current shell, by using the following syntax:

setenv variable_name value

For example, to set the environment variable PATH to /usr/bin, you would use the following command:

setenv PATH /usr/bin

Once you have set a variable, you can access its value by using the syntax $variable_name. For example, to display the value of the name variable, you would use the following command:

echo $name

This would display the following output:


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