7 Best Free And Open Source Electronic Medical Records Software Solutions

7 Best Free And Open Source Electronic Medical Records Software Solutions


As high cost is associated with the Electronic Medical record software, so free open source EMR software can be the ideal start. In rural or remote areas, the hospitals and clinics with low budgets should not fear about financial requirements as free and open source electronic medical record software are good alike the commercial ones.


1. OpenMRS – https://openmrs.org/
2. OpenEMR – https://www.open-emr.org/
3. OneTouch EMR – https://www.onetouchemr.com/
4. NOSH – https://noshemr.wordpress.com/
5. Solismed – https://www.solismed.com/
6. Bahmni – https://www.bahmni.org/
7. FreeMED – http://freemedsoftware.org/


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