WordPress Install Memcached Object Cache Plugin To Speed Up Blog

To install the Memcached Object Cache plugin for WordPress and speed up your blog, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install the Memcached server on your web server if it’s not already installed. You can use the following command to install Memcached on a system running CentOS or Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
sudo yum install memcached
  1. Install the PHP Memcached extension. You can use the following command to install the extension on a system running CentOS or Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
sudo yum install php-pecl-memcached
  1. Restart the web server to apply the changes. You can use the following command to restart Apache on a system running CentOS or Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
sudo systemctl restart httpd
  1. Install the Memcached Object Cache plugin for WordPress. You can install the plugin from the WordPress plugin repository by searching for “Memcached Object Cache” or by downloading the plugin from the official WordPress plugin repository at https://wordpress.org/plugins/memcached/ and uploading it to your WordPress installation.
  2. Configure the plugin to use the Memcached server. You can find the configuration options for the plugin in the WordPress settings under “Settings” > “Memcached”. Enter the host and port for the Memcached server and save the changes.

After installing and configuring the plugin, the WordPress cache will be stored in the Memcached server, reducing the load on the database and improving the performance of your blog. You can monitor the performance of the Memcached server using tools such as memcached-tool or nc to verify that the cache is being used and to adjust the cache size as needed.

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