7 Best Free And Open Source Reporting Software Solutions

7 Best Free And Open Source Reporting Software Solutions



A reporting tool is a business intelligence application suite. Its primary purpose is to transform the available data into actionable information. The data compiled is eventually structured into specific reports. Actionable information provides any business an immense power to make appropriate business decisions.


1. Eclipse BIRT – https://eclipse.github.io/birt-website/
2. JSreport – https://jsreport.net/
3. Jasper Report – https://community.jaspersoft.com/project/jasperreports-library
4. Helical Insight – https://www.helicalinsight.com/
5. KNIME – https://www.knime.com/
6. Metabase – https://www.metabase.com/
7. Knowage – https://www.knowage-suite.com/site/


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