Linux / Unix: Sort Specific Field or Column

In Linux or Unix, you can use the sort command to sort a specific field or column in a text file. The sort command sorts the input lines in a specified order, and you can control the sort order by specifying options.

Here’s an example to sort a file by the third field or column:

sort -k3,3 file.txt

In this example, file.txt is the name of the file you want to sort, and -k3,3 specifies that the sort should be performed on the third field or column. The -k option specifies the field or column to sort on, and the first 3 is the starting field, and the second 3 is the ending field. This means that the sort will only use the third field as the sort key.

If you want to sort in reverse order, you can use the -r option, like this:

sort -k3,3 -r file.txt

In this example, -r specifies that the sort should be performed in reverse order.

You can also sort on multiple fields or columns. For example, to sort on the third field first, and then on the second field:

sort -k3,3 -k2,2 file.txt

In this example, -k3,3 specifies the sort on the third field first, and -k2,2 specifies the sort on the second field if two lines have the same value in the third field.

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