Ubuntu / Debian Linux Install Keychain SSH Key Manager For OpenSSH

To install Keychain on Ubuntu/Debian Linux, you can follow these steps:

  1. Update the package list:
sudo apt-get update
  1. Install Keychain:
sudo apt-get install keychain
  1. Add the following lines to your shell profile file (e.g., ~/.bashrc, ~/.bash_profile, or ~/.zshrc) to set up Keychain:
# Keychain
eval "$(keychain --eval --agents ssh id_rsa)"
  1. Restart your shell or source your profile file to load the changes:
source ~/.bashrc
  1. When you log in, Keychain will prompt you for your private key passphrase, and it will be added to the SSH agent. Keychain will also start the SSH agent and set the appropriate environment variables so that your private key is used for subsequent SSH connections.

That’s it! Keychain is now installed and configured on your system. You can use keychain to manage your SSH keys, and you will no longer be prompted for your private key passphrase every time you log in or make an SSH connection.


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