Nginx Redirect Mobile / Smart Phone Traffic To Mobile Version Of the Web Site

To redirect mobile/smartphone traffic to the mobile version of a website using Nginx, you can use the if directive in your Nginx configuration file.

Here’s an example configuration that redirects all mobile devices to a separate URL:

server {
listen 80;
root /var/www/;

if ($http_user_agent ~* '(iPhone|iPod|blackberry|android.*mobile|windows.*phone)') {
return 302$request_uri;

# ... normal configuration

In this example, the if directive matches the $http_user_agent variable against a regular expression that includes common user-agent strings for mobile devices. If the user-agent string matches the regular expression, the request is redirected to the URL. If the user-agent string does not match, the request is processed as usual.

Note that you’ll need to replace with your actual domain name, and with the URL for your mobile site. Additionally, you may need to adjust the regular expression in the if directive to match the user-agent strings for your target mobile devices.

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