To allow all but block certain POST request URLs for selected spammer IP addresses/CIDR in Nginx, you can use the following configuration in your Nginx server block:
location / {
if ($request_method = POST) {
set $block 0;
# block POST requests to /spammer
if ($uri = /spammer) {
set $block 1;
# block POST requests from selected IP addresses/CIDR
if ($remote_addr ~* (192\.168\.0\.0/24|10\.0\.0\.0/8)) {
set $block 1;
if ($block = 1) {
return 403;
# other location-specific configurations
In this example, the “if ($request_method = POST)” statement checks if the request method is a POST request, and if it is, the following statements set a variable “block” to 1 if the request is to the URL “/spammer” or if the remote IP address matches either “” or “”. If the “block” variable is set to 1, the “return 403” statement returns a 403 Forbidden error to the client.
Note that you should replace the IP addresses/CIDR with the actual values for the spammer IP addresses that you want to block, and you should also add any additional location-specific configurations as necessary.